7 Things No One Talks About: Pregnancy

Second Trimester
21 Dec 2022
Emily Silver

Here are the 7 symptoms we as moms and as labor and delivery nurses wish pregnancy parents shared more about!

These are all very normal pregnancy things that are surprising, but not worrying!

Before you get pregnant, everyone’s stories seem to blend together: bloating, gas, nausea, back and foot pain… there are certain things that are often covered in detail by your family, friends, and even in the movies. But there are SOME things that it seems no one ever talks about. We’re going to go through a few of them here. 

  1. Lightning Crotch aka Volcanic Vagina

During pregnancy, many women describe a particular feeling originating in their vagina. It is a jolt, shudder, or electric shock, which seems to run directly from your groin all the way up your abdomen. It seems to come out of nowhere, and lasts just a fraction of a second. There are a few theories about why this might happen. Perhaps it’s the baby’s head pressing on your cervix, or the peanut’s feet kicking your cervix. There’s also a lot of blood flow around your vagina at this time, so that could have a hand in it. Or it could be the nerve that runs to your cervix firing fun little messages… suffice to say, though the feeling may be completely normal, it is often quite a surprise to first-time mothers, since no one ever discusses it.

  1. Dude, where are my organs?

As your baby gets bigger and takes up more space, your body has this fun habit of pushing your organs all over the place to make room. This can have some strange consequences, like when your stomach growls and you feel it in your armpit. Again, totally normal, though it seems very strange when it happens to you.

  1. To the Left, to the Left...

There’s a big artery that runs up your right side called the vena cava. When your baby gets to be bigger, your circulation has to work overtime, and keeping this artery clear becomes really important. When you lie on your back, the weight of your uterus can compress the blood vessel, inhibiting blood flow. 

As a result, you will be encouraged to sleep on your left side. It’s more for you than for the baby, really. Your body will take care of the baby’s needs, but often if you sleep in the wrong position, you’ll wake up feeling drained and miserable. Keep that vana cava clear, and roll to the left. 

  1. A Tit Nipply

This one might be a little better known, but it’s still not discussed much before you’re already pregnant: nipple changes. In preparation for Le Babe, your nipples and the areolas around them will start to darken. This makes it easier for your baby (whose eyes won’t work too well at birth) to find the target. Sometimes they lighten up after you have the baby… often they don’t. Either way, your body will be doing hard work and functioning normally, and that is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

  1. It’s Milking Time

Your milk doesn’t usually come in until a few days after the baby is born, but that doesn’t keep your breasts from getting ready for the big game. Part of the pregnancy process is the production of milk, so you might notice some leaking before the baby comes. Again, totally normal, though often a surprise to first-time mamas!

  1. A Tooth Thing

Many women report increased issues with their teeth during pregnancy. There are a couple reasons for this. Firstly, vomiting can strip the enamel from your teeth, especially if you’re in the lucky 2% of women who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum. Also, pregnancy hormones (including high levels of estrogen and progesterone) can make you more prone to gingivitis and other fun dental problems.

Some women express concern about going to the dentist during pregnancy, since the painkillers used aren’t always approved for the baby on board. Try to remember that taking care of your body is important too, and if you’re not eating properly because you have a bum tooth, the baby isn’t eating right either. Make sure you tell the dentist you’re pregnant, but don’t skip that appointment out of fear. 

  1. Mr. Sandman, Bring Me a Dream

Sex dreams aren’t just for pregnant women, but they can be intensified during pregnancy. It’s not uncommon to have orgasms as a result of these dreams. Enjoy a little extra bonus from Mr. Sandman!

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